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Getting the most out of Red Hat Network SatelliteClifford Perry RHN Sustaining EngineerAgendaFurther understanding of RHN Satellite●Overview●Structure●ServicesTips on deploying and administration of a RHN SatelliteQuestionsAppendix of Technical Data●Backup & Recovery●Backing up the database●RHN SSL Tool●Bootstrap script creation●Disable up2date register●Control over registrations●Delete old systems●Applet Activation●Monitoring Oracle space usage●Change Control●Standby Satellite●DHCP PXE Boot environment●Sources of further information●Contacting Red Hat Support What is Red Hat Network?Red Hat Network (RHN) is a means to manage and deploy Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems in your environmentSee Bret's presentation “Introduction to Red Hat Network” for more detailsRHN Core Technologies●Up2date Client●RHN ()●RHN Satellite●RHN ProxyRHN Components●Update●Management●Provisioning●Monitoring (new)What is RHN Satellite?Software ManagementProvisioningEnhancements to Custom Content ManagementMonitoring (new)Solaris (new)RHN Satellite OverviewApache based Application Server(mod_perl, mod_python, java)Background DaemonsTip #1 – Backup & RecoveryProblem●When performing backups of RHN Satellite, other than the database backup files, what other directories are of interest?SolutionFurther details are available in the RHN Satellite Guide/etc/sysconfig/rhn//etc/rhn//etc/tnsnames.ora/etc/httpd//var/ #2 – Backing up the databaseProblem●How could I automate the backing up of the embedded Oracle database?Solution●The following sequence of commands can be scripted for daily backupsexportVER=`date+%j`servicerhn-satellitestopsu-oracle-p-c“mkdirbackup-$VER”su-oracle-p-c“db-controlbackupbackup-$VER”servicerhn-satellitestartsu-oracle-p-c“db-controlverifybackup-$VER”Tip #3 – RHN SSL ToolProblem●The hostname for my RHN Proxy server has changed, how can I replace its SSL Certificates?Solution●Generate a new SSL Certificate●Install resulting rpm onto RHN Proxy serverrhn-ssl-tool--gen-server\--set-hostname=rhn-proxy.example.comrpm-Uvh\rhn-org-httpd-ssl-key-pair-rhn-proxy-1.0-1.noarch.rpmTip #4 – Bootstrap script creationProblem●How can I create a new bootstrap script for my RHN Proxy server's new hostname?Solution●Copy resulting files onto RHN Proxy server in /var/=bootstrap-rhn-proxy.sh\--hostname=rhn-proxy.example.org\--activation-keys=7bddfb01d2eba4b703dddffde0c3d5d0\--overrides=client-config-overrides-rhn-proxy.txt*bootstrapoverrides(written):'/var/*bootstrapscript(written):'/var/ #5 – Disable up2date registerProblem●How can I disable all users from being able to register to my RHN Satellite using up2date--register?Solution●Create an activation key which is●Universal Default●Usage limit of zeroTip #6 – Control over registrationsProblem●How can I control how many systems my users register to my Satellite?Solution●Use activation keys to register all systems●Disable up2date register registrations (see Tip #5)●Setup a usage limit within the users activation key●Users are forced to use rhnreg_ks with activation key for registrationsrhnreg_ks--activationkey=7bddfb01d2eba4b703dddffde0c3d5d0Tip #7 – Delete old systemsProblem●I want to delete all systems that have been inactive for 35+ days. How can I do that?Solution●Login to Satellite Web Interface●Systems Advanced Search●Search for: 35●Field to Search: Days Since Last Checkin●Search●Select All●Manage Delete Confirm DeletionsTip #8 – Applet ActivationProblem●I want to automate the activating the RHN Applet for all my client systems, how can this be done?Solution●Ensure that rhnappletactions package from the rhntools channel is installed●Run commandPYTHONPATH=/usr/share/rhn/actionspython\-cimportrhn_applet;rhn_applet.use_satellite(); Tip #9 – Monitoring Oracle space usageProblem●How can I monitor my Oracle tablespace usage level?Solution●Using output of command ●Red Hat provides within our knowledgebase an example shell script which can be added as a cron script which will email out an alert if the usage on any table exceeds 89%● #10 – Change ControlProblem●I want to control and test what packages are available to my clients before they can download them, how would I do this with a RHN Satellite?Solution●Multiple Cloned Channels●Clone Errata from Base Channel●Test new packages associated with Errata●Clone Errata from test clone channel into production clone channelTip #11 – Standby SatelliteProblem●How can I deploy a standby Satellite in my network?Solution●Satellite hostname can point to either system●Have /var/satellite/ content shared●Install 2nd Satellite (Skip SSL Certificate Generation)●Copy /root/ssl-build/ and Apache SSL Certificates●Copy /etc/rhn/rhn.conf con
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