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This publication is intended for the exclusive use of Moss Adams LLP clients and prospective clients. Any reproduction, publication, or dissemination of any portion of this report without express written consent of Moss Adams LLP is forbidden. Restaurant IndustrySTATEOFTHEINDUSTRY&FORECASTOctober2010999ThirdAvenue,Suite2800Seattle,Washington98104(206)302-65002 State of the Industry & Forecast RESTAURANTSOctober 2010 U.S. restaurant industry sales totaled $565.8 billion in 2009, according to the National Restaurant Association (NRA), a trade organization. For the year, real revenue growth, which is adjusted for inflation, contracted 2.9 percent, representing the industry’s most challenging operating year on record. The Association reports that year‐to‐date through August 2010, restaurant and bar sales have grown at a seasonally adjusted rate of 2.1 percent, suggesting that a recovery in restaurant spending is now underway. Driven by consumer spending, restaurant demand is affected by discretionary income levels and consumer confidence. The elevated unemployment rate, along with the downturn in household wealth and overall economic uncertainty, continues to have a negative impact on confidence levels and on restaurant sales. With declines in guest traffic volumes last year, many restaurants have looked to value‐priced menu items to attract customers, sacrificing material price increases in order to preserve sales, says Standard & Poor’s, an investment research firm. Among quick‐service restaurants, dollar menus have dominated, while in the full‐service segment the discounting trend included special promotions, such as “two‐for” offers, and new menu items featuring smaller portions at lower prices. Industry analysts note that as full‐service restaurants on the lower‐end downsize menu items, and quick‐service chains target sit‐down diners by introducing premium products, the distinction between fast food and casual dining has become increasingly blurred. This convergence has only heightened competition between the two segments. Competitive discounting has continued into 2010 and at a higher rate than many industry watchers had anticipated, reports The Wall Street Journal. Diners are still looking for deals, and the restaurant industry is struggling to wean them from the discounts they have come to expect. Given consumers’ value focus, the increased traffic driven by promotions has not always resulted in higher sales, suggests Value Line, and the discounted menu items have eroded margins. Last year, despite sales difficulties, cost cutting and declines in food prices helped restaurant operators to pad margins, notes Standard & Poor’s. But with little fat left to trim, and commodity prices on the rise, margin pressure has intensified. Given the damaging impact of value pricing on operating profits, some restaurants have shifted focus from discounts, reports The Wall Street Journal. Recent quarterly earnings from Darden Restaurants Inc., a bellwether for the restaurant industry, indicate that average check prices have increased in the casual dining segment, due in part to less aggressive discounts. However, the trade‐off for the more profitable sales has been a downturn in traffic. To retain customers as aggressive discounting is phased‐out, some chains have established customer loyalty programs. These programs reward frequent diners with perks, like a chance to win prizes or to sample new menu items before other customers. StateoftheIndustry&Forecast 3 Wholesale food prices grew 5.2 percent for the year ending in August 2010, based on monthly increases during nine of the past twelve months. The NRA notes that in year‐to‐date comparisons for August, the rise in wholesale food prices has more than reversed the record‐level declines that occurred in 2009. At present, restaurants have little pricing power, says Standard & Poor’s, noting that owners remain reluctant to raise prices due to the risk of losing customers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, annual average restaurant menu prices grew 1.2 percent for the year ending in August 2010, which the NRA characterizes as modest by historical standards. Gains were stronger in the full‐service segment than in the quick‐service market. The NRA reports that since the pre‐recession peak, restaurant industry payrolls have shrank 2.3 percent, or by nearly 224,000 jobs. Overall, restaurant payrolls increased 0.2 percent for the year ending August 2010, mirroring employment growth trends across the wider economy. According to the NRA, wages for nonsupervisory employees at restaurants and drinking places grew 3.3 percent for the year ending in August 2010, outpacing the average hourly earnings growth within the private sector as a whole. Standard & Poor’s asserts, however, that record high unemployment for unskilled workers will continue to diminish wage pressures for the restaurant industry. Many industry analysts expect that the challenging restaurant e
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