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May 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce 美国电子商务教育 EBusiness Education in the United States 林漳希德州理工大学信息系统与数量科学系 zlin@ba.ttu.eduMay 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce 提要 EBusiness与ECommerce 美国大学怎么办电子商务专业?美国大学电子商务课程怎么设置?美国大学电子商务教育面临什么问题?美国大学电子商务教育给我们的启示May 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce1.EBusiness与ECommerce的区别 – ECommerce–包括客户,商业伙伴与代理商之间的交易 – EBusiness–ecommerce加上内部运营(Operation that are handled within the business itself, e.g. production, development, corporate infrastructure and product management.)May 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce2.美国大学怎么办电子商务专业?市场导向仍属信息系统专业范畴 – 设电子商务课程,或 – 在其它课程中增加电子商务内容May 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce 商学院就业市场学生教育管理机构电子商务教育的市场导向May 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce 公司里的MIS 专业毕业生主管人员 MBA MS/MIS MS/CS 客户应用软件项目商学院MIS 专业设置与电子商务教育软件开发部门May 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce National Instrument 对MIS新雇员的期望胜任(Competencies) 1. 主动(Initiative) 2. 进取与持续(Drive and Persistence) 3. 合作性(Collaboration) 4. 技术获取与使用(Acquire and Use Technology) 5. 对客户成功的关注(Focus on Customer Success)May 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce 美国前15名信息系统专业 (2000) 1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) 2. Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 3. University of Texas–Austin (McCombs) 4. University of Arizona (Eller) 5. Stanford University (CA) 6. University of Minnesota–Twin Cities (Carlson) 7. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) 8. New York University (Stern) 9. University of Maryland–College Park (Smith) 10. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor 11. Georgia State University (Robinson) 12. University of California–Berkeley (Haas) 13. University of California–Los Angeles (Anderson) 14. Purdue University–West Lafayette (Krannert) (IN) 15. Indiana University–Bloomington (Kelley)May 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce3.电子商务课程设置美国大学一般不设电子商务专业。电子商务是一门课程,或一个专门化。一些学校不设电子商务课,但在有关课程中根据需要增加了该课程内容May 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce 课程类别基础课程(Fundamental)核心课程(Core )选修课程(Elective) – 包括与科目有关的课程实习(Internship)May 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce MIS有关交叉学科信息系统(Information Systems) – Datacomm, database, programming language, client/server computing, system analysis and design, etc. 管理科学(Management Sciences) – mathematical programming, optimization, operation research 生产运营管理(Production and Operations Management) – Decision theory, organization theory, etc. 统计(Statistics)其它课程 – Marketing, finance, management, accounting, blaw, economics, etc.May 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce 电子商务核心课程应包括什么网络技术与互联网(Network Technology and the Internet)系统安全(System Security)电子商务系统开发(Electronic Commerce System Development)电子商务法律与法规(Legal Issues in Ecommerce)管理经济学(Managerial Economics)May 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce4.电子商务教育的有关问题电子商务课程设置面临的问题 IS教育者面临的问题 IS学生面临的问题经济发展减缓的影响May 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce 电子商务课程的设置问题电子商务课程调整跟不上电子商务发展速度 – IT – 商业模型与理念电子商务涉及面太广,难以用一本教材中涵盖May 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce 课程设置面临新技术的挑战程序设计语言:COBOL or VB? – Answer: state of quo and move to the newer one 数据库管理系统:Access or Oracle? Answer: depends 网页设计:from HTML to XML?Answer: yes 网站程序设计:CGI or JSP?Answer: JSP 操作系统:Unix or Windows?Answer: Both 电子商务模式For example,P2P Java怎么了? – MicroSoft’sIE 6.0 has stopped the support to Java – SUN never had a long term plan for Java – Thinclient trend will cause Java’s demand shrinkingMay 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce 如何满足工业界的需求 National Instrument对新雇员的新信息技术要求:XMLWAP/WMLPL/SQLformiddlewareEnterpriseJavaBeansJSPUML/DatamodelingecommercetoolsMobilecommerce Note: The highlighted are directly ebusiness relevant. Integration TechnologySupplyChainManagementMicrosoft's.NETmodel Design Patterns Software testing Reusable codeDatawarehouseWebintegrationMay 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce IS 教育者面临的问题问题1:Fast changing Ebusiness market vs. slow adapt to IT among majority senior professors – Solution: Recruit junior professors who are just “baked” 问题2:High demand and low supply–4:1 – Solution: More IS PhD students 问题3:Supply always lags demandMay 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce IS学生面临的问题如何应付变化中的就业市场 – 该学什么? – 谁雇我? – 做什么工作? – 工资? – 经济情况变化对就业的影响May 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce 经济发展减缓的影响许多.com公司将关闭电子商务就业市场将缩小对电子商务教育的可能影响 – More students will turn to another degree in the university, particularly more MIS PhD program applicants – The adjustment of MIS curricula is inevitableMay 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Commerce5.美国电子商务教育的启示对教育者 – 电子商务教育必须面向市场,由市场推动 – 电子商务教育应由教育界与工业界合作 – 课程设计应兼顾各方面需要:不同专业,不同类型生源,信息技术行业,等等。 – 结论: • 实例分析十分重要 • 必须紧跟最新信息技术 • 必须实用性与前瞻性兼顾May 2830, 2001 The 1st ChinaUS Workshop on Electronic Comm
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