2015/7/13An example of VUMAT using Hashin criteria for composites | Abaqus 学习笔记exampleofvumatusinghashincriteriaforcomposites/1/16您在这里:首页»Examples»AnexampleofVUMATusingHashincriteriaforcompositesAnexampleofVUMATusingHashincriteriaforcomposites发表于2015-05-09HereisanexampleofVUMATusingHashincriteriaforcomposites.Rumorssaiditwasfromthecompany.Thisisre-postedfromnabble.com.Ihavenottestit.AndIalsofoundthesameVUMATintheappendixofaPhDthesis(pleaserefertothefootofthispost).c users.1086179.n5.nabble.com/Hashindamagetheorytd12032.html subroutine vumat( c Read only 1 nblock, ndir, nshr, nstatev, nfieldv, nprops, lanneal, 2 stepTime, totalTime, dt, cmname, coordMp, charLength, 3 props, density, strainInc, relSpinInc, 4 tempOld, stretchOld, defgradOld, fieldOld, 5 stressOld, stateOld, enerInternOld, enerInelasOld, 6 tempNew, stretchNew, defgradNew, fieldNew, c Write only 7 stressNew, stateNew, enerInternNew, enerInelasNew ) c include 'vaba_param.inc' c c 3D Orthotropic Elasticity with Hashin 3d Failure criterion c c The state variables are stored as: c state(*,1) = material point status c state(*,2:7) = damping stresses c c User defined material properties are stored as c * First line: c props(1) Young's modulus in 1direction, E1 c props(2) Young's modulus in 2direction, E2 c props(3) Young's modulus in 3direction, E3 c props(4) Poisson's ratio, nu12 c props(5) Poisson's ratio, nu13 TOPAbaqusLearningNotesAbaqus学习笔记博客微博教学光子学讨论区聚·博客2015/7/13An example of VUMAT using Hashin criteria for composites | Abaqus 学习笔记exampleofvumatusinghashincriteriaforcomposites/2/16c props(6) Poisson's ratio, nu23 c props(7) Shear modulus, G12 c props(8) Shear modulus, G13 c c * Second line: c props(9) Shear modulus, G23 c props(10) beta damping parameter c props(11) not used c props(12) not used c props(13) not used c props(14) not used c props(15) not used c props(16) not used c c * Third line: c props(17) Ultimate tens stress in 1direction, sigu1t c props(18) Ultimate comp stress in 1direction, sigu1c c props(19) Ultimate tens stress in 2direction, sigu2t c props(20) Ultimate comp stress in 2direction, sigu2c c props(21) Ultimate tens stress in 2direction, sigu3t c props(22) Ultimate comp stress in 2direction, sigu3c c props(23) not used c props(24) not used c c * Fourth line: c props(25) Ultimate shear stress, sigu12 c props(26) Ultimate shear stress, sigu13 c props(27) Ultimate shear stress, sigu23 c props(28) not used c props(29) not used c props(30) not used c props(31) not used c props(32) not used c dimension props(nprops), density(nblock), 1 coordMp(nblock,*), 2 charLength(*), strainInc(nblock,ndir+nshr), 3 relSpinInc(nblock,nshr), tempOld(nblock), 4 stretchOld(nblock,ndir+nshr), defgradOld(nblock,ndir+nshr+nshr), 5 fieldOld(nblock,nfieldv), stressOld(nblock,ndir+nshr), 6 stateOld(nblock,nstatev), enerInternOld(nblock), 7 enerInelasOld(nblock), tempNew(*), 8 stretchNew(nblock,ndir+nshr), defgradNew(nblock,ndir+nshr+nshr), 9 fieldNew(nblock,nfieldv), stressNew(nblock,ndir+nshr), 1 stateNew(nblock,nstatev), 2015/7/13An example of VUMAT using Hashin criteria for composites | Abaqus 学习笔记exampleofvumatusinghashincriteriaforcomposites/3/16 2 enerInternNew(nblock), enerInelasNew(nblock) * character*80 cmname * parameter( zero = 0.d0, one = 1.d0, two = 2.d0, half = .5d0 ) * parameter( * i_svd_DmgFiberT = 1, * i_svd_DmgFiberC = 2, * i_svd_DmgMatrixT = 3, * i_svd_DmgMatrixC = 4, * i_svd_statusMp = 5, * i_svd_dampStress = 6, c * i_svd_dampStressXx = 6, c * i_svd_dampStressYy = 7, c * i_svd_dampStressZz = 8, c * i_svd_dampStressXy = 9, c * i_svd_dampStressYz = 10, c * i_svd_dampStressZx = 11, * i_svd_Strain = 12, c * i_svd_StrainXx = 12, c * i_svd_StrainYy = 13, c * i_svd_StrainZz = 14, c * i_svd_StrainXy = 15, c * i_svd_StrainYz = 16, c * i_svd_StrainZx = 17, * n_svd_required = 17 ) * parameter( * i_s33_Xx = 1, * i_s33_Yy = 2, * i_s33_Zz = 3, * i_s33_Xy = 4, * i_s33_Yz = 5, * i_s33_Zx = 6 ) * * Structure of property array parameter ( * i_pro_E1 = 1, * i_pro_E2 = 2, * i_pro_E3 = 3, * i_pro_nu12 = 4, * i_pro_nu13 = 5, * i_pro_nu23 = 6, * i_pro_G12 = 7, * i_pro_G13 = 8, 2015/7/13An
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