UniversitàdegliStudidiUdineWirelessandPowerLineCommunicationsLabPower Line Communication Systems in the Smart Grid ContextAndrea M. TonelloWireless and Power Line Communications Lab University of Udine, Italytonello@uniud.itwww.diegm.uniud.it/tonello© A. M. Tonello 2012. This material is for the seminar use only. It cannot be copied and/or distributed without author’s permission.Green TechnologiesEnablingEnergy Saving2012 Summer School in Information EngineeringUniversity pfPadova–Brixen‐Italy 2Summer School of Information Engineering 2012A. TonelloIntroductionFare clic per modificare lo stile del titolo3A. TonelloSummer School of Information Engineering 2012Andrea M. TonelloUniversityof Udine: 17.000 studentsWiPLiLab 15 members,part of the Department of Electrical, Mechanical and Management Engineering (150+ members)Activities: Wireless and Power Line CommunicationsCommunication theory and signal processingSystem and protocol designMeasurementsand emulationRF and baseband prototypingHome networking, smart grid, vehicular communicationsProjects:several EU FP5‐FP7 and industrial projectsUdineVeniceMilanRomeAndrea M. TonelloAggregateprofessor at Univ. of UdineVice‐chairIEEE TC‐PLCSteering committee member IEEE ISPLCFare clic per modificare lo stile del titolo4A. TonelloSummer School of Information Engineering 2012ContentsIntroductionPower line communication applications Role of PLC in the Smart Grid Challenges: Channel and transmissiontechnologyPLC channelChannel characterization and modeling, Noiseand modelingPhysicallayertechniquesSingle carrier modulation (FSK), multicarrier modulationA look at systems and standardsNetwork and MAC aspectsConclusions and evolutionReferencesSpeaker bio5Summer School of Information Engineering 2012A. TonelloPower Line CommunicationsFare clic per modificare lo stile del titolo6A. TonelloSummer School of Information Engineering 2012Application ScenariosIdea: exploit the power delivery network to convey data signals It dates back to about 1920 when it was used to transmit data and voice between substations over high voltage (HV) linesUltra narrow band solutions have evolved into narrow band and broad band systemsThe application has become ubiquitous–Broad band internet access–In‐Home networking–Smart grid applications–In‐Vehicle applicationChronologicalorderFare clic per modificare lo stile del titolo7A. TonelloSummer School of Information Engineering 2012PLC ApplicationsBroad band internet access–It enables customer premises to access the Internet through the existing LV net–Technology: broad band PLC in the bands 2‐30 MHz–Deployments: Italy, Austria, Germany, Spain, USA, …. –Market suffersof highlypenetratedxDSLservicesHome networking–High speedservicesdeliveredthroughthe home gateway–Home automationIn‐vehicle communications via DC/AC lines–Ships, planes, cars–Commandand control–Redundantbus–Multimedia servicesADSLFTTHRLLPLCPLC8Summer School of Information Engineering 2012A. TonelloRole of PLC in the Smart Grid Fare clic per modificare lo stile del titolo9A. TonelloSummer School of Information Engineering 2012Smart Gridfrom:ASmartGridiscomposedbyseveraldomains–Generation,Transmission,Distribution,CustomerIntelligentanddynamicgridwith–Distributedgenerationandstorageoptions–ActiveparticipationbycustomersTheSmartGridelementsofeachdomainareinterconnectedthroughtwo‐waycommunicationFare clic per modificare lo stile del titolo10A. TonelloSummer School of Information Engineering 2012PLC in the Smart GridhousehousebuildingMV/LVsubstationLVPLCLVPLCLVPLCMV/LVsubstationMV/LVsubstationHV/MVstationMVPLCMVPLCMVPLCINTERNETNetworkOperatorPLC providesan easy to installtwoway communicationinfrastructureMonitoringandcontrolFaultdetection,monitoringofpowerqualityandislandingeffectsEnergymanagementDecentralizedproductionandstoragecontrolChargingofelectricalvehiclesSmartmeterreadingDemandsidemanagementDemandresponseDynamicpricingAcquisitionofuserbehaviorDistribution DomainUser domainDistribution domainInternetaccessSmarthomeHomenetworkingAutomationandcontrolUser DomainThe user domain is very important for the penetration of SG servicesFare clic per modificare lo stile del titolo11A. TonelloSummer School of Information Engineering 2012Monitoring and control with 2 way communication to ease the integration in the distribution grid of–Renewable energy sources (PV and wind plants)–Decentralized storage systems (batteries and e‐cars)–Control, authentication and payment of e‐car chargeSmart meter reading (and power measurement)–Home energy management systems (HEMS)–Demand response and demand side management–User behavior profilesSome Specific Application Areas of PLCFare clic per modificare lo stile del titolo12A. TonelloSummer School of Information Engineering 2012Monitoring and control of the grid–HV/MV line status, faults–Islanding of micro
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