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定语从句翻译练习 1. Still, a program that loses robotic Mars missions will not be entrusted with human lives until it can show that it can get them there and back safely. 然而,一个用机器人探索火星遭遇失败的航天项目是不可能进行载人实验的,除非能证明它能把人安全地送往哪里并且安全地送回来。 2. There are 30,000 policemen in the New York City, a city famous for its temptations, which makes it highly unlikely that there will never be pockets of policemen who have gone bad. 纽约市有 3 万名警察,而这个城市到处处充满了诱惑,很难保证不会有一小撮警察腐化变质。 3. The intelligence test is an attempt to access the general ability of any child to think, reason, judge and synthesize by presenting him with situations, both verbal and practical, which are within his range of competence and understanding. 智力测试时通过向儿童提供他们能力范围和理解范围内的一些情景,其中有口述的也有十几的,试图以此测定儿童的思考,推理,判断,分析和综合等方面的能力。 4. Today’s devastating and astonishing wellcoordinated attacks on the World Trade Center towers in New York and on the Pentagon outside of Washington plunged the nation into a warlike struggle against an enemy that will be hard to identify with certainty and hard to punishwith precision. 时下对纽约世贸中心大厦和华盛顿市外五角大楼的攻击时毁灭性的,精心策划的,这使整个国家陷入战争般状态,即与一个很难确定其身份并给其恰如其分惩罚的敌人作斗争。 5. The sense of security and selfconfidence that Americans take as birthright suffered a grievous blow, from which recovery will be . 美国人视如与生俱来的安全感和自信心遭到了沉重的打击,恢复这种感觉需要一个漫长的过程。 6. The courtroom has come to seem as important as the polling station; therefore, the task for legislators who wish to bolster America’s democratic spirit of accountability is measured reform, not radical innovation. 法庭逐渐变得像投票站一样重要;因此,那些希望支持美国民主精神的立法者肩负的任务是有序的改良,不是激进的改革。 7. Only at those points, where social conditions take recognizable and measurable shape, do the body of truth and the body of new coincide. 只有社会条件成形,使人们可以识别并可以加以度量时,事实的真相与新闻才能一致。 8. We now have microbes that can take toxic substances in contaminated soil or sludgeincluding organic solvents and industrial oils—and convert them into harmless byproducts. 目前,我们已经发现一些微生物,它们可以将被污染的土壤或者污泥的有毒物质—包括有机溶剂和工业废油转化为无害的副产品。 9. Having involved when the pace of life was slower, the human brain has an inherent defect that prevents it from absorbing several streams of information simultaneously and acting on them quickly. 由于在人脑的进化期间,人类的生活节奏较为缓慢,使其形成了固有的缺陷,怒能同时接收来自多个渠道的信息并迅速进行处理。 10. The superficial reporting that is barely tolerable in coverage of stories of little substance becomes dangerous when the stories deal with public health and survival. 那种几乎让人无法容忍的缺乏实质内容的肤浅报道涉及公众健康和生存时时危险的。
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