2015/4/19Private Equity Investment Criteria | Street Of Wallstrainingcourses/privateequitytraining/privateequityinvestmentcriteria/1/10STREETOFWALLSUpdate: 500,000 Jobs Now Available on the Working AppPRIVATEEQUITYINVESTMENTCRITERIAof Private Equity TrainingA PE investor must evaluate several factors in order to determine whether any given investmentopportunity is a good one (and is appropriate for the PE firm). Research is needed in order tounderstand a company’s financials, market position, industry trends, and debt financingavailable. In the following pages, we’ll discuss how to assess an investment opportunity andconduct due diligence for all types of investments. While every company has its differentnuances, this chapter will give you a general framework of how to analyze an investmentopportunity and the various considerations involved.CRITERIAFORGOODLBOCANDIDATESA good LBO candidate typically has the following characteristics:1. Strong market position and sustainable competitive advantages: This mayseem obvious, but strong LBO candidates include companies that are market leaders withsustainable business models. This can be characterized by high barriers to entry, highswitching costs, and strong customer relationships.2. Multiple avenues of growth: It is always helpful to have a balanced and diversegrowth strategy, so that a company’s success is not completely reliant on one driver. Thiscould include growth through the introduction of new products, increasing in the numberof locations, new customers, increasing the penetration of current customers (upsellingproducts), exploring adjacent industries, and expanding into new geographies, amongother possibilities.3. Stable, recurring cash flows: Due to the reliance on high leverage, PE firms must findcompanies with stable and recurring cash flows in order to have sufficient cash flow toservice all of its debt requirements. This requires to have relatively low exposure toseasonal fluctuations in cash flows, as well as low sensitivity to cyclical fluctuations (i.e.,relatively immune to economic downturns and/or commodity prices).4. Low capital expenditure requirements: Companies with low maintenance capitalexpenditure requirements provide management more flexibility in terms of how it canARTICLESTRAINING2015/4/19Private Equity Investment Criteria | Street Of Wallstrainingcourses/privateequitytraining/privateequityinvestmentcriteria/2/10allocate the company’s capital and run its operations: investing in growth capitalexpenditures, making bolton acquisitions, growth in its core operations, or give backcapital to its shareholders in the form of a dividend. Capitalintensive businesses willtypically generate lower valuations from private equity firms since there is less availablecapital (after interest expense), and there is increased financial risk in the deal.5. Favourable industry trends: Private equity firms are continually searching forcompanies that are wellpositioned to benefit from attractive industry trends, since itresults in above market growth and provides stronger equity return potential as well asstronger downside protection for the investment. Examples include increasingautomation, changing customer habits, adoption of a disruptive technology, digitalization,changing demographics, increasing regulation, etc.6. Strong management team: A strong management team is crucial to success as privateequity firms will provide strategic guidance but will almost exclusively rely onmanagement to execute their operating strategy. If a company does not have a strongmanagement team, the private equity firm must have a replacement ready before evenseriously contemplating the investment.7. Multiple areas to create value: In addition to the characteristics above, a good LBOtarget candidate will also have multiple areas where the PE firm can create additionalvalue. Examples include selling underperforming assets, increasing the efficiency ofoperations, pricing optimization, organizational structure, and diversifying the customerbase.AREASOFDUEDILIGENCEA crucial part of the investment process is the due diligence performed on the company. Think ofit like an investigation process for a potential investment: PE firms will perform very detaileddue diligence in order to ensure that they are making a sound investment. This process is crucialto the success of the investment, and the financial sponsor must look at all critical aspects of thetarget company: commercial, financial, and legal. The vast majority of the time is spent oncommercial due diligence while the financial and legal areas are more confirmatory in nature. PEfirms rely on consultants for their expertise and advice for portions of the due diligence process,but ultimately the investment decision is the firm’s responsibility. This section providesquestions and topics that are often evaluated while looking at an investment oppor
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