当前位置:首页 > 行业资料 > 造纸印刷 > 全自动智能贴标机设计
全自动智能贴标机设计 I 摘要本设计主要介绍了一种包装机械,贴标机的工作原理及贴标装置主要零部件的设计过程,对其传动系统进行设计校核,且对供送、分瓶和贴标进行了设计计算。本次设计主要用于贴圆柱身瓶的不干胶标签。该机适用于食品、调味品、药品、酒类、油品、化妆品等其他行业的各种圆瓶贴标. 其特点是能够完成自动贴标、抚平等工作,生产效率高。整机以精巧的设计,除去机械上不必要的复杂与笨重,以套装式组立保养和维修无需专业人才即可完成,需要更换产品时,只要简单的调整,便可立刻上线生产。主要技术特点:输瓶带与本机同步驱动全自动工作进度控制,机电一体化的技术保证了贴标准确、稳定、可靠和高效。关键词:自动,贴标全自动智能贴标机设计 II ABSTRACT This design has chiefly been introduced one kind of packing machinery, and the work principle of mark machine reaches and labeling device chiefly design process of parts, design the school and examine to his transmission system, and for the deliveryof, subbottle and labeling forthe design calculation .the major paper nature that is used to paste the cylinder body bottle of this design. The machine is suitable for food, spices, drugs, alcohol, oil, cosmetics and other industries of various circles bottle paste labeling. The characteristic of this machine is accomplish pasting voluntarily marking and comforts equal work, and production efficiency is high. The machine is exquisitely designed, remove the unnecessary complexity and cumbersome, to suit type group made maintenance and repair without professionals to finish, when need to change the products, just need simple adjustment, can online production. The major technology characteristic: Losing the bottle belt control with the full automatic working rate of progress of synchronical drive of this machine, and mechatronics labeling technology ensures accurate, stable, reliable and efficient. Key words:Automation, Labeling全自动智能贴标机设计 III 目录第一章绪论1 1.1 贴标机背景和发展2 1.2本课题的目的和意义3 1.3本课题的设计要求3 第二章传送带设计4 2.1滚筒选型4 2.2选择电机4 2.3分配传动比6 2.4 传动装置的运动和动力参数的计算6 2.5蜗杆传动的设计7 2.6输入轴设计计算9 2.7输出轴设计计算11 2.8减速器的润滑与密封的选择12 2.9减速器箱体结构尺寸13 第三章分瓶装置设计14 3.1 分瓶步进电机选型14 第四章放标装置设计16 4.1 收标步进电机选型16 4.2 同步带设计17 第五章贴标装置设计20 5.1 贴标运动数学模型与参数设计20 5.2 滚贴步进电机选型20 第六章步进电机驱动器和传感器的选择23 6.1 步进电动机驱动器的选择23 6.2 传感器的选择25 第七章 PLC 控制系统的设计27 7.1 贴标机控制要求27 7.2 控制系统的设计方案27 7.3 PLC类型选择27全自动智能贴标机设计 IV 7.4 PLC的I/O分配28 7.5 PLC 控制流程图29 7.6 PLC 控制程序30 7.7 外部接线图31 文献参考32 致谢
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