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恰清考研第一节基本句型结构S + V + O + Oc.S + Vt. + O + Oc.S + Vt. + O + Oc↑我们社会要让多种文化百花齐放才能繁荣和谐Avarietyofculturescangivebirthtoaprosperousandharmonioussociety.PRACTICE青少年厌恶考试孤寡老人怕过节海外华人时刻关注祖国定语:后置介词短语People of sense, size and style有识有型有品位人士[口] I do it frequently.[书] I, frequently, do it.[口] Offices communicate with each other through e‐mail and MSN.[书] Offices, through e‐mail and MSN, communicate with each other.。进行时广告作用大广告影响了我们生活哪些细节?用进行时表达出来。The internet connects and imprisons people, as if it were a huge spider net.Some parents spoil their children, as if a greenhouse protected a vulnerable flower.This western girl is wearing a Chinese costume as if she were a native girl.第四节非谓语动词(不务正业动词)To do ___is better than to do___.It is better to do__ than to do___.。第五节从句(句中句)练习第六节:独立主格结构
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