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InstitutionofCivilEngineers(ICE)SalarySurvey2009SurveyofICEworkingmembersintheUnitedKingdom,HongKongandtheUnitedArabEmirates2ICESalarySurvey2009ICESalarySurvey2009 AboutthisreportResearch conducted byResolution Research5 Canonbury LaneIslingtonLondon N1 2ASt +44 (0)20 7704 1058resolutionresearch.comProject managed and designed byTriment RBSPaseo del Prado 2a, 4b28343 Valdemoro (Madrid)Spaint +34 918 954 261trimentrbs.comAdditional copies and more information For more information about this report please email survey@ice.org.uk. Additional copies of this report can be downloaded free of charge from the MyICE members area at ice.org.uk/myice. In order to download this report you will have to register on the MyICE members area of the website. You can also request the report by emailing survey@ice.org.uk. The report comes in PDF format and you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. AboutICEThe Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) is a global membership organisation that promotes and advances civil engineering around the world. Established in 1818, ICE now has more than 80,000 members in over 150 countries.Civil engineers help to create the structures and systems that sustain society. They design, build and maintain roads, railways, airports, ports, power stations, flood defences, water and wastewater systems. And they make buildings that large numbers of us rely on every day: schools, stations, hospitals, sports stadia and office buildings. Civil engineers create the infrastructure of modern civilisation.Institution of Civil EngineersOne Great George StreetWestminsterLondonSW1P 3AAt +44 (0)20 7222 7722ice.org.ukRegistered charity number 210252Charity registered in Scotland SC038629Acknowledgement is given to those members who contributed to the survey. Without their contribution we would be unable to produce this report.© 2009 Institution of Civil Engineers. All rights, including translation, reserved. Except as permitted by the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Director General, Institution of Civil Engineers, Westminster, London, SW1P 3AA. This report is issued on the understanding that the author is solely responsible for the statements made and opinions expressed in it and that his publication does not necessarily imply that such statements and/or opinions are or reflect the views or opinions of the publishers. While every effort has been made to ensure that the statements made and the opinions expressed in this publication provide a safe and accurate guide, no liability or responsibility can be accepted in this respect by the author or publishers.33 Contents1Introduction52Executivesummary–UKonly7 Income 7 Employment benefits 7 Job satisfaction and working life improvement 7 Training, new job opportunities and job search habits 7 Pattern of employment and office location 8 Grades of membership and highest qualification 8 Gender and age of members 83Researchmethodology9 Basic income 9 Secondary income 10 Overtime 10 Bonuses 10 Period of research 10 Confidence interval (95% confidence level) table 114Remunerationfindings124.1 Basic income (UK) 124.2 Additional income (UK) 184.3 Total income (UK) 254.4 Last salary review date (UK) 304.5 Holiday entitlement (UK) 304.6 Other employment benefits (UK) 315Careerrelatedfindings325.1 Highest priority for future career (UK) 325.2 Primary information source of current job (UK) 335.3 Plans to change current jobs by age (UK) 355.4 Factors that would improve working life (UK) 375.5 Satisfaction against key job criteria (UK) 385.6 Training (UK) 406Comparisonof2004-2008datawith2009findings436.1 Analysis of basic salary 2004 to 2009: by level of responsibility (UK) 436.2 Analysis of basic salary 2004 to 2009: by age (UK) 446.3 Analysis of basic salary 2004 to 2009: by membership grade (UK) 456.4 Analysis of basic salary 2004 to 2009: by region (UK) 466.5 Analysis of basic salary 2004 to 2009: by main field of work (UK) 477SampledataUK487.1 Weighting data by age (UK) 487.2 Weighting data by grade (UK) 497.3 Respondents by gender (UK) 507.4 Highest qualification by age (UK) 518Patternofemploymentandofficelocation528.1 Employment status (UK) 528.2 Years with current employer (UK) 538.3 Years in current position (UK) 548.4 Main field of employment and level of responsibility (UK) 558.5 Employer’s main activity and main area of work (UK) 568.6 Hours worked per w
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