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Part 12. Subsequent Event期后事项 定义: Events after the reporting period: events, both favourable and unfavourable, that occurs between the end of the reporting period and the date when the financial statements are authorised for issue. 区分调整非调整,主要看时间节点:事件发生在报告期后及财报正式公布前;是否对报告期内数值有影响? Adjusting events调整项目 ★背诵-定义Events which provide evidence of conditions which existed at the end of the reporting period. Non‐adjusting events 非调整事项 ★背诵-定义Events that relate to conditions which arose after the end of the reporting period Resolution of a court case未决诉讼 Bankruptcy of a major customer主要客户破产 Evidence of NRV of inventories库存的NRV测试 Discovery of fraud or errors that show the financial statements were incorrect财报错误:舞弊和错误 Destruction of major asset, e.g. by flood or fire自然灾害 Major share transactions大宗股权交易 Announcement of a plan to close part of a business关闭公司或部门,包括裁员 Change the amounts in the financial statements 上述情况都会影响财报的正确性 Disclose non‐adjusting event in a note to the financial statements在财报的notes中披露即可 Auditor's responsiblity Period between the year‐end date and the date the auditor’s report is signed 财年结束后,至审计报告签署前 The auditor shall perform audit procedures designed to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence that all events occurring between the date of the financial statements and the date of the auditor’s report that require adjustment of, or disclosure in, the financial statements have been identified.审计师有积极的责任执行审计程序,来辨别财报是否正确,该披露的是否披露? The auditor is not, however, expected to perform additional audit procedures on matters to which previously applied audit procedures have provided satisfactory conclusions.如果审计师对当年的财务报告已经比较满意了,那么不会再执行额外的审计程序(这句话比较难理解!) Period between the date the auditor’s report is signed and the date the financial statements are issued 审计报告已签署,至财报公布前 The auditor has no obligation to perform any audit procedures regarding the financial statements after the date of the auditor’s report.签署审计报告后,审计师没有责任来主动发现问题。但如果审计师获悉了一些情况,这些事件会影响财务报告和审计报告的正确性,那么需要跟客户商量是否修改财务报告;如果管理层准备修改,则审计师需要执行相应的审计程序并出具针对修改财报的新的审计报告。 Dec 2014 Q4 例题分析:Bankruptcy of a major customer 背景 思路 客户财务艰难,在可预见的未来很难付款 描述题意 This information was received after the year end but provides further evidence of the recoverability of the receivable balance at the year end. 调当年的帐,而非次年 The receivables balance is overstated and consideration should be given to adjusting this balance, if material, through the use of an allowance for receivables or by being written off. 因为客户难以支付,所以要计提坏账准备或购销坏账 应收账款价值调整 重要性分析:it represents 7∙4% (0∙283/3∙8m) of profit before tax and 2∙5% (0∙283/11∙2m) of revenue.是重大的the directors should amend the 2014 financial statements by writing down or writing off the receivable balance. 重要性分析 审计程序 The correspondence with the customer should be reviewed to assess whether there is any likelihood of payment.根据客户回应来评估款项是否可收回 Discuss with management as to why they feel an adjustment is not required in the 2014 financial statements.与管理层讨论财报是否调整的原因 Review the post year‐end period to see if any payments have been received from the customer.查看期后的收款,看看是否有收到该客户的款项。 June 2013 Q5 例题分析:Evidence of NRV of inventories 背景 思路 财报估值0.85M,损坏后估值0.1M 描述题意 This information was obtained after the year end but provides further evidence of the net realisable value of inventory at the year end and hence is an adjusting event. 是当年FS的调整项 IAS 2 Inventories requires that inventory is valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. The inventory of $0∙85 million must be written down to its net realisable value of $0∙1 million. 根据IAS 2存货估值的定义来正确估值 存货价值调整 重要性分析:it represents 13∙4% (0∙75/5∙6) of profit before tax and 1∙4% (0∙75/55) of revenue. Hence, the directors should amend the financial statements by writing down the inventory to $0∙1 million. 重要性分析 审计程序 Review the board minutes/quality control reports to assess whether this event was the only case of defective inventory as there could potentially be other inventory which requires writing down.查看会议纪要/质量控制报告来评估其他库存是否有减值 这里的Board minutes应该是财年末之后的 Discuss the matter with the directors, checking whether the company has sufficient inventory to continue trading in the short term.shi是否有足够库存维持公司运作 Obtain a written representation confirming that the company’s going concern status is not impacted.获取管理层的保证书,来证明公司还能持续经营 万能写法 Obtain a schedule showing the defective inventory and agree to supporting production documentation that it was produced prior to 30 April, as otherwise it would not require a write down at the year end.次品存货明细,确保是期末前生产 非报告期内生产的产品,不是调整项 Discuss with management how they have assessed the scrap value of $0∙1 million and agree this amount to any supporting documentation to confirm the value. NRV测试,0.1M残值是否可收回 Dec 2011 Q5 例题分析:Resolution of a court case 注意:诉讼必须发生在财报年底之前,但可以不判 背景 思路 年中有诉讼,期后有个和解信,公司乐意接受。 描述题意 Although the settlement was agreed after the year end, it provides further evidence that the company had a present obligation as at 30 September.因为是年中官司,期后同意 是当年FS的调整项 The financial s
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