搜索引擎优化SearchEngineOptimization赵卫东博士复旦大学软件学院2009‐10‐23It is not easy to design a good website?‐user perspective‐search engine‐Internet marketingA web search engine has the following three components...1.Crawler/spider2.Indexer3.Search Query AlgorithmFind contentMake searching fastInterpret user intentsearchengineIndexingAlgorithmWebLogIndexSESpiderSearchresultsBrowserSESE“Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via natural search results.”—Wikipedia, 2009“Make it easier for search engines to discover the content on our site,whichis most relevant to a user’s search query.”—Chris Moore, 2009WhatisSEO?PaidOrganicThe improvement of the search engines directly impacts the evolution of SEOSEO RulesSEO RulesGuidesand hintsabout the algorithmsGuidesand hintsabout the algorithmsCrawlingIndexingSearchingSEO ProfessionalsTrainingRelevance•Degree to which the content matches what the user query intention and terms. •The relevance is higher if the terms appear multiple times, and if they show up in the title or other important sections of the page.Popularity( PageRank) •This is a measure of the relative ‘importance’of a page•Importance of a page is measured by number of, and importance of the pages linking to itPage 1Page 5High PageRankLower PageRankAlgorithms are a SECRETPageRankBrowse RankTrust RankRelevanceDomain AuthorityPageRankAlgorithmPRi:thePageRankvalueofpageiPRj:thePageRankvalueofpagejkj:numberofthepagesjrefertod:aparameterranging[0,1].?∑−+=jjjidkPRdPR)1(From Google Ranking Factors ‐SEO Checklist‐1‐pagers.com/internet/google‐ranking‐factors.htmPOSITIVEOn‐page SEO Google Ranking FactorsPOSITIVEON‐Page SEO FactorsBrief Note KEYWORDSGoogle patent ‐Topic extractionFor keyword selection,try Google Ad Words‐Google TrendsKeyword in URLFirst word is best, second is second best, etc. Keyword in Title tag Keyword in Title tag ‐close to beginningTitle tag 10 ‐60 characters, no special characters. KeywordsBrief Note POSITIVE ON‐Page SEO Factors Keyword density in body text 5 ‐20% ‐(all keywords/ total words)Some report topic sensitivity ‐the keyword spamming threshold % varies with the topic. Individual keyword density 1 ‐6% ‐(each keyword/ total words) Keyword in H1, H2 and H3 Use Hxfont style tags appropriately Keyword font size Strong is treated the same as bold, italic is treated the same as emphasis . . . Matt CuttsJuly 2006 Keyword proximity (for 2+ keywords) Directly adjacent is best Keyword phrase order Does word order in the page match word order in the query?Try to anticipate query, and match word order. Keyword prominence (how early in page/tag) Can be important at top of page, in bold, in large font Keywords ‐BodyNavigation –Internal LinksBrief Note POSITIVE ON‐Page SEO Factors To internal pages‐keywords? Link should contain keywords.The filename linked to should contain the keywords.Use hyphenated filenames, but not long ones ‐two or three hyphens only. All Internal links valid? Validate all links to all pages on site.Use a free link checker. I like this one. Efficient ‐tree‐like structure TRY FOR two clicks to any page ‐no page deeper than 4 clicks Intra‐site linking Appropriate links between lower‐level pages Navigation –Outgoing LinksBrief Note POSITIVE ON‐Page SEO Factors To external pages‐keywords? Google patent ‐Link only to good sites. Do not link to link farms. CAREFUL ‐Links can and do go bad, resulting in site demotion. Unfortunately, you must devote the time necessary to police your outgoing links ‐they are your responsibility. Outgoing link Anchor Text Google patent ‐Should be on topic, descriptive Link stability over time Google patent ‐Avoid Link Churn All External links valid? Validate all links periodically. Less than 100 links out total Google says limit to 100,but readily accepts 2‐3 times that number. ref 2k Other On‐Page FactorsPage exhibit theme? General consistency? Page ThemingGoogle patent ‐May be good or badExcellent for high‐trust sitesMay not be so good for newer, low‐trust sites Freshness of Links Brief Note POSITIVE ON‐Page SEO Factors File Size Try not to exceed 100K page size (however, some subject matter, such as this page, requires larger file sizes).Smaller files are preferred 40K (lots of them). Hyphens in URL Preferred method for indicating a space, where there can be no actual spaceOne or two= excellent for separating keywords (i.e., pet‐smart, pets‐mart)Four or more= BAD, starts to look spammyTen = Spammer for sure, demotion probable? Freshness of Pages Google patent ‐Changes over timeNewer the better ‐if news, retail or auction!Google likes fresh pages. So do I. Freshness ‐Amount of Content Change New pages ‐Ratio of old pages to new pages From Google Ranking Factors ‐SEO Checklist‐1‐pagers.com/internet/google‐ranking‐factors.htmNegativeOn‐page SEO Google Ranking Factors‐within the same C block (IP=xxx.xxx.CCC.xxx)If you have many sites (10, autho
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