Lesson 6THE LANDSCAPE GARDEN IN ENGLAND•enclosure (page 76, line 2): n. 圈占, 围绕;圈地(运动或政策,英国把公地圈作私有)•inherently (page 76, line 3): adj. 固有的,内在的•formal garden (page 76, line 4): n. 规则式花园•despotic (page 76, line 5): adj. 专横的,专制的•distasteful to (page 76, line 5): 不合……的口味的;令……不快的// dis+taste+ful•antithesis (page 76, line 6): n. 对立面anti‐反,thesis 论点;毕业论文•extol (page 76, line 7): vt. 颂扬;赞美•grand tour (page 76, line 8): (史)大旅行(尤指18世纪,通常作为上层社会年轻人教育一部分的欧洲文化之旅)•rugged (page 76, line 9): adj. 崎岖的;坚固的;高低不平的;粗糙的•picturesque (page 76, line 9): adj. 如画的;秀丽的;别致的•canvas (page 76, line 10): n. 帆布;画布•craggy (page 76, line 12): adj. 陡峭的;崎岖的•pastoral (page 76, line 13): n. & adj. 牧歌;田园诗;田园景色•allegorical (page 76, line 14): adj. 讽喻的,寓言的// allege vt. 断言,宣称•disrepair (page 76, line 16): n. (年久)失修;破损•stiff (page 76, line 18): adj. 呆板的;拘谨的•porcelain (page 76, line 19): n. 白瓷;瓷器•lacquer (page 76, line 20): n. 漆器•English countrysidewithlarge fields made possible by enclosure, rolling hills, winding streams, and scattered trees, inherently unsuited to the French garden, was important elementin English country life.•The grand tour (which all cultured Englishmen made through the Alps to Italy) brought them in contact with rugged, picturesque scenery.•(所有受教育的英国人都要经历的穿越阿尔卑斯山到意大利的)大旅行使他们接触到崎岖的、如画的风景。•Scenes …and the aesthetic attitude …were influential in…风景和美学观点对……产生了影响/ 在……方面有影响力。•concealment(page76 , line 24): n. 隐藏,隐蔽;隐匿处•idyllic(page76 , line 25): adj. 牧歌的,田园诗的•manipulation(page76 , line 26): n. 操作;控制;篡改// vt. manipulate•contour(page76 , line 26): n. 轮廓;等高线•serpentine(page76 , line 26): adj. 蜿蜒的v. (使)迂回曲折地行进•articulation(page76 , line 27): n. 关节;接合;精心构思•preoccupation(page76 , line 28): n. 全神贯注;关注的事物•clump(page77 , line 1): n. 丛•meander(page77 , line 2): v. & n. 漫步;蜿蜒缓慢流动•drive(page77 , line 2): n. (公园中的)行车道路;(从大路通向私宅的)私人车道•The manipulationof nature's undulating contours according to Hogarth's serpentine line of beauty and the articulation oflight and shade much as a painter would do became the preoccupation ofall men of taste and culture in eighteenth‐century England and ultimately all over Europe and in America in the nineteenth century.•对于……处理和……精心构思,成为……的关注点。•按照贺加斯(Hogarth)蜿蜒的“优美线条”(把景观)处理为自然起伏的轮廓和对于光影像画家一样的精心构思,成为十八世纪英国所有有品味和文化的人的关注点,最后影响到整个欧洲以及十九世纪的美国。•stock(page78 , line 4): n. 牲畜•amateur(page78 , line 9): 爱好者,业余爱好者•Stourhead (page78 , line 10‐11): 斯托海德园•dam (page78 , line 13): n. 坝v. 筑坝•Palladian villa (page78 , line 15): 帕拉迪奥式别墅•obelisk (page78 , line 17): n. 方尖碑•prescribe (page78 , line 19): v. 规定;开处方•The bridgeat the starting point, the Temple of Flora, and the Pantheonset out in the gardenare similarin form and disposition to those in the painting.•set out in the garden:是定语•be similar to …与……相似•allusion (page78 , line 25): n. 典故•obliquely (page78 , line 27): adv. 拐弯抹角地•grotto (page78 , line 28): n. 岩穴,洞穴•moss (page78 , line 28): n. 苔藓•Neptune (page78 , line 28): n. 海神;[天] 海王星•fern (page78 , line 28): n. 蕨•It is a conscious change in environment to evoke physiologically, as well intellectually, images of a legendary underwater kingdom.•这是一个有意为之的环境上的改变,是为了无论在生理,还是在心理上引发对传说中的水下王国情境的联想。•sensation (page78 , line 35): n. 感觉;感动•predetermine (page78 , line 37): vt. 预先确定•In adition, the environmental qualities of light, temperature, texture, and sound together with visual impressionsadd sensationswhich, combined with the first level of reaction, make a complete experience.•the environmental qualitiestogether with visual impressionsadd sensations•另外,光线、温度、质地和声音等环境特性,再加上视觉效果增加了(参观者的)感知(体会)。这种感知加上第一反应构成一次完整的体验。•rhododendron (page 78, line 38): n. 杜鹃花•controversy (page 79, line 1): n. 争议•National Trust (page 79, line 2): n. 国民托管组织(英国保护名胜古迹的私人组织)•azalea (page 79, line 3): n. 杜鹃花•miller's cottage (page 79, line 6): n. 磨坊小屋•ruin (page 79, line 6): n. 废墟•cumulative (page 79, line 8): adj. 累积的•rivulet (page 79, line 11): n. 小河•cascade (page 79, line 10‐11): n. 小瀑布•clearing (page 79, line 11‐12): n. 林中空地•exponent (page 79, line 14): n. 倡导者•architectural feature (page 79, line 15): 建筑景点•awkwardness (page 79, line 20‐21): n. 尴尬;笨拙•encompass (page 79, line 11‐12): vt. 包含;包围•blend (page 79, line 23): n. & v.混合•Terraces and parterres were to be cleared away from the base of the house until nothing was left except grass, which came right up to the foundations.•台阶和花坛从房屋基础处被清理掉,只留下草地。这种草地直达墙基。•modify (page 79, line 26): v. 修改,修饰•ruthless (page 79, line 27): adj. 无情的;坚决彻底的•restoration (page 79, line 27): n. 恢复•satirical (page 79, line 28): adj. 讽刺性的•trick (page 79, line 28): n. 诡计;花招•prestige (page 80, line 3): n. 威望,声望;声誉•proposal (page 80, line 4): n. 提议,建议•meadow (page 80, line 5): n. 草地
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