当前位置:首页 > 商业/管理/HR > 经营企划 > XXXX-XXXX-RealEastateLandBusPlan(房地产规划_
1 RealEstateandLandDevelopmentBusinessPlan2012-2014 “We Build Dreams” RealEstateandLandDevelopmentBusinessPlan2012-2014Table of Contents 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 3 3.0 BUSINESS UNIT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................... 4 3.1 Mission\Vision\Values ...................................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Organizational Chart ......................................................................................................................... 6 3.3 History ............................................................................................................................................... 7 3.4 Accomplishments .............................................................................................................................. 9 3.5 Previously Approved Initiatives and Major Capital Projects ........................................................... 10 4.0 BUSINESS UNIT ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................... 11 4.1 Financial Summary .......................................................................................................................... 11 4.2 Core Business and Service Levels .................................................................................................... 12 4.3 Performance Measures ................................................................................................................... 13 4.4 Key Customers and Stakeholders ................................................................................................... 15 4.5 Environmental Scan ........................................................................................................................ 16 4.6 SPOT Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 17 5.0 SUMMARY OF IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES ............................................................................ 19 APPENDICES APPENDIX 1: RiverStone APPENDIX 2: SunRidge APPENDIX 3: Crossings APPENDIX 4: Sherring Business & Industrial Park APPENDIX 5: History Map Context Map SPOT Matrix Stakeholder Map Bold Steps Cover Story 1 RealEstateandLandDevelopmentBusinessPlan2012-20141.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The two major functions of the Real Estate and Land Development Department consist of land management and land development. Land management entails acquiring, managing and disposing of the City’s real estate holdings in support of corporate and community objectives. These functions include: ensuring the City’s land bank is properly managed until such time it is required for urban uses, ensuring the City’s properties are utilized for their highest and best uses, and ensuring all agreements relating to City lands are current and appropriately administered Land development is a process which transforms raw land owned by the City into serviced, developable parcels. The activity related to this process includes planning, marketing and selling lands for a variety of uses, including, but not limited to residential, industrial, institutional, recreational and commercial. The developments that the Real Estate and Land Development Department are actively managing include RiverStone, SunRidge, Crossings and Sherring Business and Industrial Park. RiverStone continues to be Lethbridge’s most popular residential subdivision development. In 2011 we will release 49 lots in Phase 14. This will bring the total number of developed lots to 839 since the subdivision started in 2000. SunRidge, Canada’s first BuiltGreen residential community has seen strong interest for starter homes and multi‐family lots. To encourage strong environmental stewardship in the home builder industry, we provide financial incentives to maximize energy efficiency in their homes. As well, SunRidge is home to the “Living Home” Project, a partnership between the City of Lethbridge, Lethbridge College and Cedar Ridge Quality Homes, promoting environmentally sustainable home design. This project was very successful, winning awards from Alberta Municipal Affairs, Alberta Home Builders Association and SouthGrow Regional Initiative. Crossings has seen the opening of two high schools, West Side Public Library and 55 acres of sports fields. These are the key components of the West Lethbridge Core. The market has shown a strong interest for commercial properties in Crossings. The City will begin marketing these commercial properties in the spring of 2011. 2 RealEstat
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