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中国海员之家网站航海英语系列英文简历常用词汇大全第 1 页“中国海员之家”网站(cn.com )搜集整理,四分之一船长@中国海员之家网站制作。英文简历常用词汇大全1、个人品质常用词汇able有才干的,能干的adaptable适应性强的active主动的,活跃的aggressive有进取心的ambitious有雄心壮志的amiable和蔼可亲的amicable友好的analytical善于分析的apprehensive有理解力的aspiring有志气的,有抱负的audacious大胆的,有冒险精神的capable有能力的,有才能的careful办理仔细的candid正直的competent能胜任的constructive建设性的cooperative有合作精神的creative富创造力的dedicated有奉献精神的dependable可靠的diplomatic老练的,有策略的disciplined守纪律的dutiful尽职的well——educated受过良好教育的efficient有效率的energetic精力充沛的expressivity善于表达faithful守信的,忠诚的frank直率的,真诚的generous宽宏大量的genteel有教养的gentle有礼貌的humorous有幽默impartial公正的中国海员之家网站航海英语系列英文简历常用词汇大全第 2 页“中国海员之家”网站(cn.com )搜集整理,四分之一船长@中国海员之家网站制作。船东测试题举例 Question paper for English and General Knowledge (time allowed 45 minutes) independent有主见的industrious勤奋的ingenious有独创性的motivated目的明确的intelligent理解力强的learned精通某门学问的logical条理分明的methodical有方法的modest谦虚的objective客观的precise一丝不苟的punctual严守时刻的realistic实事求是的responsible负责的sensible明白事理的sporting光明正大的steady踏实的systematic有系统的purposeful意志坚强的sweet-tempered性情温和的temperate稳健的tireless孜孜不倦的2、教育程度常用词汇education学历educationalhistory学历educationalbackground教育程度curriculum课程major主修minor副修educationalhighlights课程重点部分curriculumincluded课程包括specializedcourses专门课程coursestaken所学课程中国海员之家网站航海英语系列英文简历常用词汇大全第 3 页“中国海员之家”网站(cn.com )搜集整理,四分之一船长@中国海员之家网站制作。 Attention : Ineach question below (15), either part or all of the sentences is underlines. The sentence is followed by five ways of writing the underlined part.Answer choice Arepeats the original; the other answer choices vary.If you think that the original phrasing is the best, choose A.if you think one of the other answer choices is best, select that choice. 1. the principal reasonfor our failure was quite apparent to those whom we had brought into the venture A. to those whom we had brought B. to them whom we had brought C. to the ones whom we had brought D. to those who we had brought E. to those who we had brung. 2.It was us how had left before he arrived. 资力测试 1.问:Nice to meet you! 答:It’s very nice to meet you ! Gladto meet you! I’m veryglad to meet you! Pleasedto meet you ! I’m pleasedto meet you! Apleasure to meet you! 注:上述用语可以选用一句使用,用礼貌的初次见面用语可以给船东良好的印象。不论你的英语功底如何,一定要练得标准,流利。过去教科书中所用的“How do you do?”作为初次见面最好不要用,以免显得呆板和生疏。 2. 问:What’s your name? Your name? I wonder what your name is. Could you tell me what your name is ? 答: I am XXX or My name is XXX. 3. 问:How long have you ever worked onboard? I have ever worked onboardfor XXX years. 这是船东问资力的一种方式。否则船东会瞧不起你,或者笑话你。 4. 问:Which company did you serve? Which company didyou work for? I have servedfor XXX . 最好用 serve 而不用 work 回答。因为船东会从中认为你的服务意识强而被选中。 5. 问:Where are you from? I am from XXX 6. 问:Areyou married ? Yes,I am or No,I am still single. 7. 问:How many peoplearetherein your family? There areXX people inmy family. Mywife, son(daughter) andI.中国海员之家网站航海英语系列英文简历常用词汇大全第 4 页“中国海员之家”网站(cn.com )搜集整理,四分之一船长@中国海员之家网站制作。船东只关心小家庭(nuclear family)而不关心大家庭(extended family)。 8. 问:What certificatedo you havenow? Which certificatedo you hold now? I have XXX certificate .or I am holding XXX certificate.OrI am the holder of XXX certificate. 主要证书有:master certificate.; chief mate certificate; second mate certificate; third mate certificate; chief engineer certificate; second engineer certificate, third engineer certificate; fourth engineer certificate, first class radio electronic certificate; second class radio electronic certificate; (GOC) general operator’s certificate, (ROC) restricted operator’s certificate,specialized certificate. 9. 问:What kind of ship you haveworked on? I have worked onmany ships. Like XXX ship, XXX ship, andsoon. 一般做过多种类型的船舶的船员竞争成功率高,这里列举一些船舶种类名称: warship; (cruiser,destroyer,submarine, aircraft carrier) merchant ship (bulk carrier, general cargo ship, ro/ro ship, L.P.G; L.N.G; VLCC; ULCC, container ship; reefership, timber vessel; passenger ship); specialized ship (barge,ferry,icebreaker,drill platform, dredger,tug,sailing boat, yacht) 军用船舶最好不要将,以免被不怀好意的人窃取国家机密,同时引起船东的反感。 10. 问:How many countries have you ever beento? I have been to many other countries. For example , Japan, Thailand, South Korea, North Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Russia,Philippine,Vietnam, andso on.。 11. 问:How oldareyou? What’s your age? I am 35years old. 12. 问:Whenwereyou born? I was bornin1969。 13. 问:Wheredid you graduate? I graduated from the DALAIN Marinitime Professional School. 注:学历是资力的很关键的一个砝码。大学 university 学院 college 中专 professional school 大专 institute 14. 问:Haveyou ever served UMS? Yes,I have served UMS,No,I am sorry,I have not. 此相表明船东想知道你是否服务过现代化的船舶。 15. 问:Haveyou served XXX? Yes, I have served XXX several years, Yes, I have served XX for a short time. Or , No, I am sorry, even though I am holding XXX certificate ,I have never servedfor it. 注:这一项主要是考察任职经验。如有不少人虽然持有某证书,而从未做国。甚至船长、轮机长还没有做国某种低级职务。船东希望聘任经验丰富的船员,而且年龄又最好年轻些。因此在回答此项时应注意你是否愿意高职低聘。若愿意可以采用最后一种答案,并提出你感兴趣的职务
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