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33 Monica Copyright 35.Internal control environment控制环境★★ 定义:The internal or control environment is influenced by management's attitude towards control (tone at the top), the organisational structure and the values and abilities of employees.内控环境会受管理层对控制的态度(即公司高层确立的基调),组织架构和价值,以及员工能力的影响。以下因素会影响内控环境:★ 董事和管理层的哲学和经营风格 Philosophy and operating style 企业文化Culture,内控是否被视为组织框架里的不可或缺的一部分integral part of the organisational framework,或者强加于系统的其他部分imposed on the rest of the system。 公司的组织结构organisational structure,授权和责任委派的方式methods of assigning authority and responsibility(包括权责分离和监督控制) 董事和员工的正直度integrity,道德价值观ethical values和胜任能力competence Risk culture冒险文化★★ 文化是一种基本假设模式pattern of basic assumptions,它是由一个团队发明,发现和发展出来的。是在学习中得出的处理问题的方式cope with its problems,可以适应外部,整合内部。这些方式做得好worked well enough,被认为有效的,因此,用来教育新人taught to new members,以这种正确的方式,察觉,思考和感受问题。 Changing the culture 改变文化的方法★ 控制环境的重要性 对风险的意识,以及沟通交流 培训和融入 Training and invlovement 表现评价和量化评估 改变风险态度 Embedding risk awareness 嵌入的风险意识★★★ Risk awareness is a capability of an organisation to be able to recognise risks when they 34 Monica Copyright arise, from whatever source they may come.风险意识是一个组织在风险出现时能够意识到它的能力,不管是基于何种原因产生的风险 A culture of risk awareness suggests that this capability (or competence) is present throughout the organisation and is woven into the normal routines, ways of thinking and is embedded in all parts of the company and in all employees.风险意识的文化建议企业有这种能力,并将其编排入日常的工作路径中和思维方式中,嵌入到公司各部门和所有员工当中去。 Methods to embed 嵌入的方式★★★ 以下方式可以让管理层将风险意识嵌入到组织里去: 1)Aligning individual goals with those of the organisation and building these in as part of the culture. 使员工的个人目标与组织的目标一致,并将其作为企业文化的一部分。这种利益一致非常重要,有助于让风险意识成为企业常规的,不容置疑的行为方式。培训不同级别的员工也很必要,来确保风险意识嵌入到整个组织中去。 2)Including risk responsibilities with job description.将承担的风险责任加入到职位描述中,表示不同层级的员工有不同的风险职责,定义清晰不含糊。 3)Establishing reward systems that recognise that risks have to be taken (thus avoiding a ‘blame culture’). 建立奖赏机制,认清不同人承担的不同的风险,应尽量避免职责文化。那些承担更多风险的员工,如投资计划部,应该分享项目成功的回报,作为奖励。 4)Establishing metrics and performance indicators that monitor and feedback information on risks to management. 建立表现衡量指标来监督,并向管理层反馈风险信息。这能确保管理委员会始终拿到精确的信息,不存在动机来掩盖相关信息,或没有披露冒险行为,或表现糟糕。“意见箱”是管理层收到反馈的一种方式。 5)Communicating risk awareness and risk management messages to staff and publishing success stories. 交流风险意识和向员工发布风险管理信息,并宣扬成功的故事(洗脑)。创造和散播成功案例,内部沟通交流,这些都对发展文化和持续警醒员工关于风险信息是非常重要的。 36.Objective settings目标制定 根据企业确定的任务或预期,管理者确定企业的战略目标,选择战略方案,确定相关的子目标并在企业内层层分解和落实,各子目标都应遵循企业的战略方案并与战略方案相联系。 跟战略相符合 Strategy 跟风险偏好相符合 Risk attitude –高风险高回报,低风险低回报 37.Event identification事件识别 管理者意识到了不确定性的存在,包括某一事项是否会发生、何时发生或者如果发生其结果如何。作为事项识别的一部分,管理者应考虑会影响事项发生的各种企业内外部的因素。外部因素包括经济、商业、自然环境、政治、社会和技术因素等,内部因素反映出管理者所做的选择,包括企业的基础设施、人员、生产过程和技术等事项。 Strategicrisks战略风险定义★★★ These arise from the overall strategic positioning of the company in its environment. Some strategic positions give rise to greater risk exposures than others. Because strategic issues typically affect the whole of an organisation and 35 Monica Copyright not just one or more of its parts, strategic risks can potentially concern very high stakes – they can have very high hazards and high returns. Because of this, they are managed at board level in an organisation and form a key part of strategic management.这种风险来自于公司所处环境中,他所在的战略位置。某些战略位置比其他位置有更高的风险。基于战略性问题往往影响公司整体,而不是单单一个或多个部门,所以战略风险可能会涉及很高的风险‐可能有很大损害,也可能有很高回报。正因如此,他们由组织的董事会级别来管理,成立一个核心的战略管理团队。 Examples of strategic risks include those affecting products, markets, reputation,supply chain issues and other factors that can affect strategic positioning.举例:影响产品,市场,声誉,供应链和其它涉及战略位置的因素。 Operational risks经营风险定义★★★ Operational risks refer to potential losses arising from the normal business operations. Accordingly, they affect the day‐to‐day running of operations andbusiness systems in contrast to strategic risks that arise from the organisation‘sstrategic positioning. Operational risks are managed at risk management level (notnecessarily board level) and can be managed and mitigated by internal controlsystems.经营风险是基于日常商业操作可能导致的损失。所以,相对于战略风险影响战略位置,它影响的是日常经营和商业系统。经营风险由风险管理级别(通常不需要董事会级出面)来管理,而且可以让内控系统分担部分工作。 Examples include those risks that, whilst important and serious, affect one part ofthe organisation and not the whole, such as machinery breakdown, loss of sometypes of data, injuries at work.举例:这些风险重要且严重,但影响了组织的某个部门,而非组织整体,诸如机器坏了,部分数据丢失,有员工在工作中受伤。 Related risks关联风险定义★★★ Related risks are risks that vary because of the presence of another risk or where two risks have a common cause. This means when one risk increases, it has an effect on another risk and it is said that the two are related. 关联风险是指2个风险由共同的原因造成,或者因为其中一个风险导致了另一个风险。正因为此,一个风险的增加会对另一个风险产生影响,我们说这2个风险相关。 Correlated risks 相关风险定义★★★ Risk correlation is a particular example of related risk. Risks are positively correlated if the two risks are positively related in that one will fall with the reduction of the other, and increase with the rise of the other. They would be negatively correlated
本文标题:ACCA P1知识要点汇总(下)
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